A blow to the head suffered in a car accident, a slip-and-fall accident or another type of accident can cause a concussion. Even if you did not lose consciousness and you felt fine after the accident, you should seek medical care for your injury. The effects of a concussion may not reveal themselves for weeks or months after an accident, and further injury to your brain is possible if your head is hit again.
We are the legal team at Bart Durham Injury Law, in Nashville, Tennessee. We are personal injury attorneys who provide results-oriented representation for people who have suffered concussions and traumatic brain injuries as the result of car accidents, workplace accidents and other acts of negligence.
Our law firm handles accident cases involving:
Grade 1 concussions — transient confusion or unsteadiness for less than 15 minutes, with no loss of consciousness.
Grade 2 concussions — transient confusion or unsteadiness for more than 15 minutes, with no loss of consciousness.
Grade 3 concussions — loss of consciousness for any length of time.
Helping Injured People Get Quality Medical Care And Compensation
In Tennessee, we are fortunate to have a number of excellent rehabilitation hospitals that can provide medical care and rehabilitation services to people who have suffered brain injuries. The attorneys at Bart Durham Injury Law work with medical specialists at Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital in Nashville, HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Memphis and other institutions to understand our clients’ medical needs. Bart Durham Injury Law then works diligently to obtain the financial resources that can pay for that care, as well as compensation for all other losses.